Legacy Gift Planning
Planned giving is an opportunity for you to designate a future gift that will be part of your ongoing legacy.
A legacy gift to Ellis Nature Centre will help us continue our conservation and research projects and to support our education programs, that instill in children and adults a love of nature. Your legacy will live on for generations and make a difference in Central Alberta for years to come.
There is no better time than the present to consider leaving a gift to Ellis Nature Centre in your will. You can easily add a provision to provide for a bequest in your will. Many people don’t consider leaving a bequest to charity because they believe their gift will be too little to have an impact or they don’t know that a bequest may bring tax benefits. No matter what the size of the bequest, your gift provides vital support. In many cases, bequests are endowed, thus giving a living lasting lifeline of support. There are other ways one can arrange a legacy gift, such as donating publicly traded securities.
You decide how you give. Whatever option you choose, you can help us fulfill our mission of continuing Charlie and Winnie Ellis’s legacy to protecting and caring for songbirds and wildlife.
Make a Charitable Bequest
Make Ellis Nature Centre your charity of choice. Contact us about making a legacy gift. You may direct your gift to an existing endowment or discuss other purposes for which your bequest will be used. Let your family know that you intend to support Ellis Nature Centre through your will. Most importantly, seek independent legal advice or speak to a professional advisor about your plans.
Key Information for Donors:
Address: Box 5090 Lacombe AB T4L 1W7
Phone: 403-885-4477
Email: info@ellisnaturecentre.ca
Registered Charity Business Number: 118897867 RT0001